Confirmation-aged youth meet with the pastor, mentors, and others to explore Christian faith and to prepare to Affirm their Baptismal Promises.

Bible Study happens weekly on Wednesdays over Zoom. Those gathered discuss the lessons for the week with Pastor Brenda, often prompting good sermon ideas! You are invited to join in anytime!

Bethel Lutheran Church wants to encourage and support those who are seeking higher education. Scholarship Applications for the 2024-2025 school year are due on July 30th, 2024. Applicants must be entering their second year of post-high-school study.
For more information on our scholarship program or to apply, contact the office:
612-724-3693 or bethel@bethel-mpls.org
​​Save the Date: Building Beloved Community Day Camp
in South Minneapolis
Monday-Friday, August 19-23, 9am - 4pm
at Diamond Lake Lutheran Church
August 19 - 23, 9am - 4pm
Please save the date for a great week of fun and faith formation! This year, our ecumenical day camp will be both later in the summer and at a new location - Diamond Lake Lutheran Church (5760 Portland Ave). Our program arc will be Monday - Thursday (August 19 - 22), with a family celebration on Thursday night. Friday is a bonus fun day. We are excited to welcome children between the ages of entering Kindergarten through middle school, and we hope to have a wonderful crew of high school leaders to support the elementary kiddos. More information to come in the new year.
Programming for entering:
-K-5th grade
-6-8 grade
-High School Leaders